15 November 2013

内容来自Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer


控制转换指令包括了 跳转条件跳转循环调用几种操作,用以控制程序流转,具体包含以下指令:

instruction     jump condition              description

JMP                                         跳转(Jump)
JA/JNBE         (CF or ZF) = 0              无符号条件跳转,大于则跳转/不小于等于时跳转(Jump if above/Jump if not below or equal)
JAE/JNB         CF = 0                      无符号条件跳转,大于等于则跳转/不小于时跳转(Jump if above or equal/Jump if not below)
JB/JNAE         CF = 1                      无符号条件跳转,小于则跳转/不大于等于时跳转(Jump if below/Jump if not above or equal)
JBE/JNA         (CF or ZF) = 1              无符号条件跳转,小于等于时跳转/不大于时跳转(Jump if below or equal/Jump if not above)
JC              CF = 1                      无符号条件跳转,如果进位则跳转(Jump if carry)
JE/JZ           ZF = 1                      无符号条件跳转,相等则跳转/为零则跳转(Jump if equal/Jump if zero)
JNC             CF = 0                      无符号条件跳转,如果没进位则跳转(Jump if not carry)
JNE/JNZ         ZF = 0                      无符号条件跳转,不等则跳转/不为零则跳转(Jump if not equal/Jump if not zero)
JPO/JNP         PF = 0                      无符号条件跳转,如果二进制表示中1的个数为奇数则跳转(Jump if parity odd/Jump if not parity)
JPE/JP          PF = 1                      无符号条件跳转,如果二进制表示中1的个数为偶数则跳转(Jump if parity even/Jump if parity)
JCXZ            CX = 0                      无符号条件跳转,寄存器CX为0时跳转(Jump register CX zero)(注,寄存器CX一般作为计数器使用,例如用于循环)
JECXZ           ECX = 0                     无符号条件跳转,寄存器ECX为0时跳转(Jump register ECX zero)(同上)

JG/JNLE         ((SF xor OF) or ZF) = 0     有符号条件跳转,大于则跳转/不小于则跳转(Jump if greater/Jump if not less or equal)
JGE/JNL         (SF xor OF) = 0             有符号条件跳转,大于等于则跳转/不小于则跳转(Jump if greater or equal/Jump if not less)
JL/JNGE         (SF xor OF) = 1             有符号条件跳转,小于则跳转/不大于则跳转(Jump if less/Jump if not greater or equal)
JLE/JNG         ((SF xor OF) or ZF) = 1     有符号条件跳转,小于等于则跳转/不大于则跳转(Jump if less or equal/Jump if not greater)
JO              OF = 1                      有符号条件跳转,如果溢出则跳转(Jump if overflow)
JNO             OF = 0                      有符号条件跳转,如果没溢出则跳转(Jump if not overflow)
JS              SF = 1                      有符号条件跳转,如果是负数则跳转(Jump if sign (negative))
JNS             SF = 0                      有符号条件跳转,如果是非负数则跳转(Jump if not sign (non-negative))

LOOP            ECX != 0                    ECX不为0时循环(Loop with ECX counter)
LOOPZ/LOOPE     ECX != 0 and ZF = 1         ECX不为零且标志Z=1时循环(Loop with ECX and zero/Loop with ECX and equal)
LOOPNZ/LOOPNE   ECX != 0 and ZF = 0         ECX不为零且标志Z=0时循环(Loop with ECX and not zero/Loop with ECX and not equal)

CALL                                        调用过程(Call procedure)
RET                                         函数返回(Return)
IRET                                        从中断返回(Return from interrupt)
INT                                         软中断(Software interrupt)
INTO                                        (Interrupt on overflow)
BOUND                                       检查是否越界(Detect value out of range)
ENTER                                       (High-level procedure entry)
LEAVE                                       (High-level procedure exit)
